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Career & Technical Education

Certified Nursing Assistant

​​​​​Certified Nursing A​ssistants aid in the physical, psychologic​al, social and spiritual needs of clients. CNAs work in healthcare settings such as hospitals, home care, nursing homes or assisted-living facilities. 

Nursing assistants, sometimes called nursing aides, provide basic care and help with activities of daily living. They typically do the following:
  • Clean and bathe patients or residents​
  • Help patients use the toilet and dress
  • Turn, reposition, and transfer patients between beds and wheelchairs
  • Listen to and record patients’ health concerns and report that information to nurses
  • Measure patients’ vital signs, such as blood pressure and temperature
  • Serve meals and help patients eat
The annual mean wage in New Jersey for Nursing Assistants in 2022 was $35,740​.*

About the Program 
Students learn basic care skills including monitoring vital signs, controlling infections, transferring and feeding clients as well as the Heimlich maneuver. Communication skills, body mechanics, bed making, restorative care and care of the dying client are among topics covered.

This state-approved program includes 50 hours of classroom instruction and 40 hours of clinical training. In addition, coursework prepares students to take the state licensure examination.

Required textbooks available in the college bookstore.

  • High School Diploma or HSE
  • Criminal background check and fingerprinting
  • Proof of Mantoux (PPD 2-step process) immunization​
Interested in joining? Get started by completing a packet.



Information Sessions​​
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​​​​For additional questions or concerns, please contact at the Gloucester Campus at 856-468-5000 (5204) or Cumberland Campus at 856-776-2372.


Gloucester; Cumberland